Thursday, September 18, 2008


I don't understand my body. There are days where I wake up totally refreshed after 4 hours of sleep, and other days where I can sleep 9-10 hours and still feel exhausted. Today is an exhaustion day, although I didn't exactly get that much sleep (more like 5 1/2 hours). Ah, I'm so tired I could easily fall back asleep for another 5 1/2 hours. That sounds absolutely delicious.


Sarah said...

maybe you have fibromyalgia?

Chris said...

I've actually had tests done for fibro on an existing nerve disorder/injury that I've had for a year be a half (still undisgnosed), but they ruled that out. Sure feels like it some days :(

Tricia said...

Food allergies? I found out thats what was causing my tiredness.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog:)

Chris said...

I definitely think I'm sensitive to food, and I have issues with things like red meat, dairy, etc. It's hard to narrow down what foods are causing what problems, but I'm definitely watching what I eat.